Monday, July 18, 2011

An interview with Nikki Fitzgerald Wood of It Fitz Jewelry

 I was first introduced to jewelry designer Nikki Wood, owner of It Fitz Jewelry, when my neighbor had a trunk show to promote her beautiful designs. I bought a sweet pair of red beaded, drop earrings that spice up any boring outfit. Later, Liz and I invited her to show her work in one of our Bloom' in Art shows and she was a huge hit! She agreed to an interview with us and shares her love of jewelry design and life in the low country.
Tell us a bit about your background in jewelry making.
When I was little, I'd dig around my mom's jewelry box and pile all of her jewelry on and play dress up. Like every girl, the older I got, my love of jewelry only grew. I happened to go into a craft store one day and bought a few strands of beads and came home and made a necklace. I wore it to a going away party and got TONS of compliments. A lot of the girls that night mentioned that I should make more pieces and have a trunk show. I ended up having one and it was very successful. After a few more shows, I got a little more serious about doing my "hobby" on the side. A good friend of mine suggested I call my little jewelry company It Fitz Jewelry. My maiden name is Fitzgerald, and with a play on words, It Fitz Jewelry became the name of my now growing jewelry business. I try to have something for every woman. Whether it's super simple and dainty, to bold and colorful, one strand to ten strands, I try to have something that "fitz" every one.
What made you want to start your own business?
 I've always been EXTREMELY independent (if you asked my mother she would say that's an understatement). I always liked being in my corporate sales job, but felt like I was missing SOMETHING. I have a lot of self motivation and I'm a hard worker, but I wasn't getting much joy out of my job. I got laid off in my last sales job (when the economy headed south) and my husband was the one who told me to go for it. It had always been in the back of my mind as something to fall back on, but it kept getting put off. Now I had no excuse but to try. With a lot of love and support from my husband, mom and friends, I decided to just go for it! I ended up absolutely loving working for myself. I've recently branched out my jewelry making and I'm now doing kid's birthday parties. It's been so much fun watching children's creativity come to life when making their necklaces. I try to make the planning and the actual birthday party as stress free for mom and dad as possible. I provide all the supplies that are needed to bring out the creativeness and uniqueness of each child. Once I find out the theme of the birthday party, the pendant that goes on the necklace will be based around that theme (ie: princess, ballerina, animal, etc). Each child not only leaves with her jewelry as a party favor, but it’s something they made all on their own.
Living in the Charleston area, where there are so many amazing things happening locally, what are you favorite local sources of inspiration?
I'm actually a native of Charleston, so living here my whole life has always allowed me to be surrounded by some of the most beautiful scenery in the world. This summer I have been obsessed with coral and big, colorful necklaces. Charleston is full of art in almost everything we see- whether it's boutiques, beaches, the battery, art galleries or any historical landmark,  my mind stays artistically stimulated. I love taking random colors and putting them all together and watching how it turns into a work of art. Somehow, all the colors seem to pull together.
What is your favorite part of what you do and what is your least favorite?
My favorite part of what I do is being my own boss!!! I would much rather have to answer to me, than someone else. Being your own boss makes you HAVE to be super motivated, dedicated, and have a willingness to bust your butt at all times. Even when you would MUCH rather be doing something else.  Creating and designing jewelry is obviously the fun part, but being a one woman operation can make life VERY busy! Not only do I do all the designing and creating of the jewelry, I do my own marketing, graphic design, bookkeeping and website design. It can be extremely overwhelming and stressful. I have to keep in mind that it's not always going to be fun doing the "business side" of things (like taxes, etc), but I know at the end of the day, it's totally worth it! Hard work and dedication have become an ongoing learning process for me. But, even with all the administrative things that go along with my job, I wouldn't trade it for the world!
What do you want to share with Charleston through your art?
One of my favorite things is when a customer buys a piece of jewelry and is smiling and excited about their new purchase. The economy is not what it used to be, and instead of going out and trying to buy new outfits, the right piece of jewelry can turn an old outfit into something that feels brand new. I want all of my customers (new and old) to feel a little bit happier after they purchase a piece of my jewelry. I would like to say to anyone who has a dream not to get discouraged but just keep trying. If I can start a business, anyone can!
Featured in the April 2011 issue of Health Magazine

Thanks Nikki! 

For more information on It Fitz Jewelry check out Nikki's website at or email her at
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