Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Sorting & Organizing the Laundry

Go from this...
To this in a jiffy!
 Laundry can be a daunting chore, especially when you have several kids. Just when you have broken ground and made some progress it piles up again. Setting a schedule for doing the laundry helps to keep you from getting overwhelmed. Another benefit of a schedule is that you can pick days that work for your family. As a person who limits the amount of television I watch, but have a few shows I love, I decided this would be a good time to do laundry. I wash and dry the laundry earlier in the day so it is ready to fold by the time I sit down to watch a show. The chore goes by faster and does not take you away from time with family and spouse. Once the baskets are full they can be carried to the right rooms to be put away. This simple trick was life changing for our household!

Materials Needed:
1 Laundry Basket for each member in your family 
1 Laundry Basket for towels & misc.
How To:
1. Use lingerie bags to keep small items together such as socks and underwear.
2. As you fold your clean and finished laundry, sort each item into the assigned basket for each family member (See Scout's basket above).
3. Each person is responsible for picking up their basket and putting away their clothing items.
4. Help the little ones be independent by putting pictures of clothing items on their drawers so they know where to put the clothes when they are clean.
5. Keep a bin in the laundry room or mud room for icky stuff you don't want in the hamper like dirty soccer clothes and kitchen rags.

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