Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Disposal of Expired Medications

The end of summer always seems to motivate me to go through my medicine cabinet and clean out expired medicines while checking to see that basic remedies for the upcoming school year are available. Disposing outdated medicines properly is not only a safety issue, but an environmental issue as well. Scientists have learned that medications thrown in the garbage can actually get into our soil creating an environmental hazard. Flushing expired medicines seems to be the safest way of disposal because there is no danger of children and pets accidentally ingesting pills. However, studies have shown that this option presents an environmental hazard as well because small traces of certain medications have actually showed up in our water supplies. 

So, what to do? Many pharmacies now offer drug recycling programs. Some will take your medications back anytime and make sure they are disposed of properly, while others will hold drives to collect your expired meds. Be sure to call around to other local pharmacies if your pharmacy does not participate in some type of recycling program. You can also contact your local hazardous waste facility to get their recommendations on proper disposal. The FDA does have a list of harmful medications on their website that, though safe used as prescribed, are extremely harmful if accidentally ingested by someone else in your household. If these medications are not accepted in the pharmacy take back program, then the FDA does recommend that the safest way of disposal is by flushing. To find a list of these meds, click here and search disposal of unused medication. Be green and be safe!


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