Wednesday, August 31, 2011

De-cluttering Before a Move

"You should have nothing in your home that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful." William Morris
Whether you are planning on moving, or are in the process of a move, it is a good time to take stock in your stuff. Not only does a home that is clutter free sell more quickly, but releasing some of your baggage means less stuff to drag with you to your next home. Have you ever gotten ready to move and realized you still have stuff packed in the boxes from the previous move? Chances are you have clutter. Moving is a time for change and new beginnings, so why take your excess baggage with you? What exactly is clutter and how do we determine what stays and what goes? For every item in your home ask yourself the following questions: Does it celebrate you & what you are passionate about? Is it useful & functional on a regular basis? (Yes, a bread maker is useful and functional but not if it has been collecting dust for 5 years!) If it does not fit the above criteria, IT IS CLUTTER!!!! Remember physical clutter= mental clutter. So how do we start the process of creating a balanced home? De-cluttering before a move can be an intense process, so starting small and setting clear expectations is the key. Here are some tips for success: 
  1. Set the timer and focus your attention on one area (a closet, drawer, cabinet, etc). 
  2. Stick to the allotted time to conserve your energy and don't get sidetracked!
  3. Have 5 labeled bins: Items to keep, Things to sell, Donation bin, Recycling bin, Trash. 
  4. If you have not used it in the last year it needs to go! 
  5. Pass on, donate or recycle before you change your mind. 
  6. Have a written plan of attack and include the entire family in the process. 
Once you have slowly moved through your house de-cluttering every nook and cranny, it is time to donate the excess or have a huge yard sale. If a yard sale is the route you take, remember if it does not sell it gets donated! If you decide to share your extras with others, there are many organizations out there that specialize in making use out of consumer excess. Listed below are a few of my favorites: – helps you to locate local charities that need what you want to donate – finds prom dresses etc. for young girls – provides suits for individuals entering the work force – donates coats to those in need – provides hats to patients receiving chemotherapy – provides foster children with suitcases – donates shoes to disaster victims

Recycle all paper, plastic, and glass through your curbside recycler if you cannot find a home for it. Other items may also be recycled at and they will tell you where and how. If the process is overwhelming and too much for you to conquer on your own, seek the help of a professional organizer. Allow this move to be a new beginning for you and your family.
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