Monday, August 8, 2011

Back to School!

As summers always do, this one flew by and it's time to gear up for back to school shopping and preparation. It's difficult to transition our children from a more relaxed schedule of days full of play, camps, family vacations and time off from homework, back to the demands of school. As parents, we too can experience slight dread as a new school year approaches. Its back to making lunches, helping with homework and projects, and everything else that comes with being back on a real schedule. So, this week, we thought that we would provide some "back to school" tips that we have discovered to make the process easier, and dare say, fun!?

School supplies have been posted, and so with high-lighter and lists in hand, it's time to hit those back to school sales. There is something about school supplies that kids love. Freshly sharpened pencils, new lunch boxes, erasers and binders. A clean start. Let your child take part in the shopping by giving him/her a copy of the list and their own cart (if they are old enough) and then stand back and watch how responsible they can be. For the younger kids, let them see the item on the list, try and find it with you, and then have them cross it off the list. Make sure everyone is up for the task of back to school shopping and set the ground rules before you go so as not to disappoint anyone (should you decide that their current backpack is in mint condition, or that they have such a collection of hand held pencil sharpeners, you refuse to buy another).

There are many children who will be without school supplies when the year begins. In Charleston, a non- profit organization called Teacher's Supply Closet is a wonderful resource for those individuals and businesses who would like to donate school supplies to children. Look within your communities and discover organizations that may be in place and consider donating. Below is an example of items that are needed. This year, won't you consider helping a child? 

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